How to apply for an Aral fuel card
If applying for your ARAL card in advance, the applicant must ensure that the vehicle registration number has been accepted by the Vehicle Licencing Office (VLO) and will not need to change.
Once an application is made for an Aral fuel card, any previous card issued to the vehicle registration number on the application form will be cancelled and cannot be used.
A personal email address is required to be submitted as part of the application. Aral may use the email address to contact the main card holder direct. It will also be used by the GEO for sending the main card holder an invoice for the Aral / BP SE annual administration charges.
All named persons must have completed their European Highway Code (Matrix) Test
The new fuel card will be sent to the applicants administering organisation or National Support Element (NSE) for further distribution or collection. The main card holder will receive an invoice for payment of the initial MOD initial administrative charge (€50) and the annual Aral / BP SE administrative charge (per remaining calendar quarters).
Invoices that are not paid by the requested date will result in the card being blocked for further use. The card will be reactivated as soon as practicable, once the payment has been confirmed as cleared.
The expiry date can be checked via the card holder’s account
Step by step guide for application:
- The application form can only be submitted online.
- The process allows the applicant to choose either car or motorcycle.
- Applicant must enter the details of administering organisation, using the drop-down menu to select NSE.
- Each application can include up to 6 x registered as resident in Germany through HQ GEO under the Supplementary Agreement (colloquially referred SOFA registered) entitled family members (including applicant). These family members must reside with the main card holder’s Registered at Work Address (RWA) on the application.
- Applicant must check the boxes on the second page of the application form to indicate that they understand the regulations relating to the use of the Aral fuel card and that all nominated drivers are SOFA registered entitled family members.
Use of the card
The Aral fuel card is only for use at ARAL service stations on the station finder.
- The card should be presented to the cashier with their resident SOFA ID card.
- The cashier will swipe the Aral fuel card to generate a bill; this will be the cost of the fuel drawn less Mineral Oil Tax and Mwst.
- The user will then be able to pay the tax-free amount using card or cash.
- The receipt includes the rationed balance remaining for the calendar month.
- Ration balance can also be seen by logging onto the Aral fuel card account – the details will be emailed to the main card holder by ARAL.
Error with the card
If the card is not accepted there should be an error slip printed from the card reader which will give the reason for the refusal. This is required by ARAL to allow them to reimburse the card user. If no error slip is produced by the Service Station, then the user is advised to obtain a written explanation from the cashier, stamped and signed.
The user should complete the Aral fuel card refusal form as soon as practicable for a reimbursement.