Aral FuelCards are not to be used for any purpose other than that for which they are issued, that is to say, to access the Tax-Free ration of fuel for the vehicle shown on the card. Cards are not to be used for vehicles where the VLO registration is not “in date” or does not have a valid roadworthiness or light test stamp (if applicable) on Form 73.
Only persons whose names are recorded on the card may purchase fuel using the card from ARAL forecourts. The Aral FuelCard is not transferrable, it is used on behalf of a specific vehicle and only by those named on the card. The ration will be cancelled on de-registration/disposal of the vehicle.
Aral FuelCards are not to be used in the pursuance of any business venture, nor are they to be used as a means of accessing any other Tax-Free goods or services; they are to be used to access Tax-Free fuel for private motoring only.
Before presentation at the ARAL service station, card bearers are to ensure that their name appears on the card allocated to that vehicle and that they are in possession of an authorised valid Service/SOFA ID card.
The improper use of Aral FuelCards will normally result in the withdrawal of the appropriate SOFA Entitlement from the offender, in addition to any disciplinary action that may be taken.
It is the card holder’s responsibility to ensure that the card is in date before use, there will be no refunds for out of date cards.