Aral Fuelcard Refusal Form

Personal Details

Aral Card Details

Transaction Details

Please give a brief description of why the station did not accept your card. See the Info section of your receipt for the error notice.


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Drag and drop files here or Browse
You must provide both a copy of the receipt and either the printed error slip or a signed note from the Aral Station stating the problem. Uploads are only permitted in .jpg format and the form will not submit if you use another image format. Please retain the original receipt.

Terms and Conditions

It is the card holder’s responsibility to ensure that the card is in date before use, there will be no refunds for out of date cards.

Aral requires your details to issue you with a 'Supercard', which will enable you to be reimbursed.

Note: All data and information collected from you by the GEO on this website will be treated confidentially respecting the applicable laws on data protection. Under those laws, you have the right to obtain a copy of the information we hold about you and a right to have your data erased. If you have any questions or concerns on the use of your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact the GEO at any time. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.