Dependant Progress Training and Development

We are fully committed to ensuring that all dependant employees are given the opportunity to be trained and developed for the posts they hold, enabling them to become as effective as possible. Unless the Dependant's needs are identified and they recieve the proper training, the force cannot fully benefit from the skills and contributions made by Dependant employees.

The Training and Development Directive provides a useful guide to all Dependant employees and their Line Managers(LM), be they military or civilian. Additional guidance is available from LEC HR.


Individuals have a right to be listened to, consulted about, and trained in the work they are called upon to perform. The aim of the guide is to regularise the process and thus provide assurance that it is being carried out correctly. In order to ensure that this happens the process comprises of the following: 

  1. A full job description (example is at Annex A) to be provided by the unit at the beginning of the employment.
  2. An annual review of the duties required of the individual between the LM and the employee. This provides the opportunity for both the LM and employee to agree a set of realistic objective targets, assess any training and skill requirements and comment upon the employee's progress.
  3. The recording of noteworthy experiences and any qualifications achieved during the period. It can also provide a useful reference source for future LM and for the writing of References and CVs.
  4. A mid term review between the LM and the employee is essential particularly when potential problems become apparent from trying to comply with the job description or objectives.
  5. To agree a way forward.
  6. To evaluate from employee feedback the usefulness of training provided.


The guide details the minimum requirements for all units employing Dependants. 
It should be noted that Dependant employees are not compelled to take part in the Appraisal scheme however it does afford the individual employee with an ideal opportunity to discuss any training and development needs with their Line Manager.

Dependant Appraisal Form 330R