Instructions For Obtaining A Good Conduct Certificate On Returning To The UK

Individuals returning to the UK from Germany, and looking for employment or volunteer opportunities working with children or vulnerable adults may be asked by prospective employers to provide a “Good Conduct Certificate” for the period covering their stay in Germany. This is also likely to happen if you are applying for a further/higher education course or to join the Armed Forces. If there’s a possibility that you may fall into any of these categories you should read on.

Applicants should write to the Service Police Crime Bureau (SPCB) in the UK, providing their full name, date and place of birth and a full address history, and enclosing a copy of the photograph and details page of their current passport, requesting a Subject Access Request Certificate. The address to write to is:

Service Police Crime Bureau,
Specialist Operations Regiment,
Bassett Wilson Building,
Southwick Park,
PO17 6EJ

 Certificates are provided free of charge.

It should be noted that SPCB are unable to provide certificates for individuals who have German/Dual German nationality as they cannot access the relevant information, therefore German dependents should either contact their local registry office, or if applying from outside of Germany, the Federal Office of Justice in Bonn. Full details can be found online at: