This page is designed as an access platform for the various documents relating to the terms and conditions of service that apply to LECs. If a particular document is specifically aimed at DEL or DEP then this will be stated.

The DEP or DEL Terms and Conditions Summary are useful one page documents that offer useful "at a glance" information.


Note: Some of the documents are rather large and may take some while to download.


FSI(G) 8002 - Recruitment, Employment and Administration of Dependant Employees


TV AL II - The terms and conditions of service for those working for the British Army on the German economy. This is the original German document.

CTA II - This is a basic English translation of the TVAL II above. It is a very useful guide for Civil Labour Officers, Line Managers and employees alike but it must be emphasised that it is only a basic translation and not the official German legal document.

Prota - This tariff agreement is to be used in conjunction with the CTA II in matters concerning the reorganisation or closure of units. It covers issues such as dismissal and income protection. This is an English Translation.

Schutz TV - This tariff agreement is to be used in conjunction with the TVAL II in matters concerning the reorganisation or closure of units. It covers issues such as dismissal and income protection. This is the original German version.

TV SozSich - As with the instruction above, this tariff agreement is to be used in conjunction with the TVAL II and concerns state supplements that are available under certain conditions when units reorganise or close. This is the original German version.

TV NATO - Employment Instructions for those working with NATO Headquarters. This is the original German version

Group Insurance - A group insurance scheme exists for those LEC working on the German economy. Full policy details can be found in this PDF file.