Completion of LEC HR Form 24 Attendance Form in the event an employee is required to Work From Home (WFH) for an extensive period


LEC HR Form 24 (attendance records) can be downloaded and completed on screen.

Please note that it will only be necessary to use one of these documents if requested to do so by either Line Management or the LEC HR department.

Standard monthly salary payments will continue as usual. The LEC HR department will need to be made aware of any additional occurrences during the monthly reporting period that may affect pay or leave balances however.

Examples of required entries are:

  • Paid/Unpaid Leave.
  • Sickness (Self or Doctor Certified).
  • Special Paid Leave (including sickness of child).
  • Additional hours worked.
  • TOIL

If you are asked to complete the form on screen, you can forward it to your Line Manager as an email attachment after you have finished making entries. The email will then serve as an electronic signature. The Line Manager would then pass it to LEC HR in the same way.

In order to forward the document as an attachment, please save it to your desktop first.

The LEC HR email address is as follows: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

LEC HR Form 24 Time Sheet (DEL)

LEC HR Form 24 Time Sheet (DEP)